continent telecom



Which payment methods do you accept?

We accept almost all e-payment methods:
  • Perfect Money
  • PayPal (we process PayPal payments manually. You need to "confirm" your contact phone in Your Account and write us a letter from corporate e-mail to accept payment via PayPal)
  • Credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, Unionpay)
  • Wire transfer
  • Neosurf, American Express, Dinero Mail, Dragonpay, Webcash, etc.
  • Bitcoins, Ethereum, USDT, TRX, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Dogecoin, Ripple, Cardano  and other cryptocurrencies

How fast will selected number be activated after payment?

It depends on country of the number of you have bought. For example, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany numbers and fax-numbers will be activated during 24 hours. Other (USA, Canada, UK, Australia, etc.) — almost immediately.

How to set up our service?

You need to register and to recharge your balance. You can find prices here. You should send scanned id and local address for some numbers. Germany, Switzerland, France (some cities) are among such countries.

What kinds of call forwarding are available?

Call forwarding to cell phone and landline. You can find prices here.
Redirecting to SIP and Telegram is also available and it's free for numbers from most countries!

How to become our dealer?

Send us an email to [email protected] and we will contact you.

How to set up call forwarding to SIP?

Please, choose call forwarding to SIP and specify «SIP/number@username» in the number field where «number» is your virtual number in international format without the "+" sign. If you are going to use our company as a SIP provider, then open the «SIP SETTINGS» block and find the «username» there. If you are going to use another SIP provider, then fill the forwarding direction with «SIP/[email protected]». For example «SIP/[email protected]».


Continent Telecom provides VoIP telephony services for both wholesale and retail customers. Since 2009 more than 25000 clients from 132 countries use our services. Continent Telecom employees treat attentively to each client and give an advice and assistance. Become our client and you'll appreciate the quality of our company services!
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